Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Top 10 ways to spot if she does blow.

Any how on Sunday night I had two choices, stayed home being a little bitch worrying about how bad the weather was and imagine how such a dangerous it would have been to drive out there in the mix with a bunch or moranic drivers in the city of Dallas. Or just go out and enjoy the day off. Despite the condundrum of mix feelings the thought of venturing out the home seem very appealing. I didn't work my ass of throughout the business week and just to spend time at home because the weather wanted to dictate my life. So I grabbed my keys drove very carefully to meet up with my home boys at Spike. Of course we were there just to catch up on conversation about anything, sport, booty, more booty, and more about girls with booty. however periodically I was interupted with my freinds to do the shallow greeting to the girls who show up and this feeling just came upon to me. Throughout the time I been out I love the places I have roamed about at night but there always the girls who loves to blow that just like werewolves that hunt throughout the night. So I got this idea as a guide line to you all about how to spot girls who love to hit the Apsen.......

Top 10 ways to Spot if she does blow.
10 She came with her freinds looking like she has jumped out of Cosmo but she has to go to the restroom with her friends every 10 minutes and she looks progressively worse everytime.
9. She ask you for kleenex constantly because she got "runny nose".
8. For every 10 minutes of conversation with you she ask if she can use the restroom some more
7. No matter how you try to get her drunk by buying her drinks, she seems to be more sober than you.
6. She is mysteriously on the cellphone trying to close a "financial deals" at the odd hours of the night.
5. She is really good in math when it comes to kilogram, ounces, and gram.
4. She asks if you can make her "sober up" or if you wanna "party".
3. She asks you where is the eight ball and you guys are not playing pool.
2. No matter how ugly you are she still wants to go to your place to do the after hour party.
1.When u guys are smashing she ask if she can get a plate before the condom.

Thats all tricks !

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