Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Nigger Effect

Alright I always been trying to steer away from giving an opinion when the involvement is over a social prejudice loud mouth. However after I have seen this clip about one of my favorite comedian bust a politically smack down on a reporter of News Corp. After I came down with a hard case of laughter, I now feel compel and somewhat obligated to share my two cents on the Michael Richards incident. for those of you who've been living under a rock or reside in Utah here is a quick info on who am I referring to.

Michael Anthony Richards (born July 24, 1949) is an American actor, three-time Emmy Award winner, writer, producer, and comedian, best known for playing Cosmo Kramer on the television show Seinfeld, which ran from July 5, 1989, to May 14, 1998, on NBC.
Now without a further adieu here is the video clip I want you all to have a good laugh and don't forget to dissect the message of Paul Mooney with a intellectual perspective.

First of I totally agree with Paul Mooney that if Michael Richards could blatantly use the N word without knowing the actual contemporary connotation of the word itself, then he definitely need to seek a profession helps on the anger management. By calling a certain demographic segment of people base upon their skin color in a derogated manner is so out of style about decades ago. However as for the mass media attacking on the political correctness of a white person shouting out the N word to promote their rating or distracting the masses from the real world problem such as the Iraq situation and the economic undercurrent, then News Corp here is a big middle finger for you !
The word Nigger sure is one of the ugliest word a white man could ever conceive to be manifested in the dictionary during the Imperialism period. However majority of people do not understand the N word itself in the modern linguistic utilization which hardly has anything to do with black people anymore. As a matter of fact I would say that the word Nigger would best suited for calling any individual of the utmost ignorance. To clarify my position of belief I would turn you all to the Afro-American cultural expert Martin Luther King Jr,

The Word Nigger in Boondocks

As you can see once we have understand the actual usage of the word Nigger in the modern world society, now the color of ignorance and hate have extended beyond the one race inour world. Though many Nay Sayer and the hypocritical intellectuals might call me that I'm displaying my coarseness through exposing controversy for maximum exposure. However on the contrary, I believe in the obligation to educated anyone of all races to understand the nature of hatred and prejudice. Because the real danger of devaluing certain group of society is not from the usage of derogatory terms but the deadly silence of contempt. For example the usual case would be some blond gold digger that love to bust a move on Kanye West tunes but not down to drop it like it's hot with a "brother", is a fine example of the modern prejudice. Yes I have seen it many way too many times during my years growing up in Dallas. In down south if you can't stand the word of Niggers, Crackers, Chings, and Asians as a mere horse play then you mind as well should move to Canada (I feel sorry for you). I couldn't recall those countless time when I use the word as calling some ignorant folks or a mere swearing like I would do to Jesus. Anyhow those exchanges add flavors in conversation are also reciprocated back to me in kindness too. You can ask my top friends on Myspace (which happen to Black, White, and Hispanic) I got more than a plenty Asian jokes right back throuhg out the years.

Here is the usual stereotype conversation we learned to enjoy when hanging in the bar on any typical weekend.

Steve(white): "Kirk Sato is that true that Asian guys are not fully equipped?"
Me(Asian): "Shut up drunkass Crackers"
Will(Black): "I don't know about you but that Latin broad got a Banging booty"
Angel(Hispanic): "What is up with black people and lumps ?"

As you can see I'm proud to say that if the UN are willing to learn our method of our social diplomacy in public engagement, there will never be war between the different ethic group of people. The trick is we all learn to communicate with a shear clarity and respect on one fucking language. So here is a piece of my mind to you all to ponder before the end of this blog transmission. It's not the word that spread the hate in the world but it's the idea of contempt that is the real soul of the devil....You know honey you're not all that !



Anonymous said...

The word nigger is not directed toward any race! The word means "idiot". White, black, Mexican, etc can all be niggers. Why do the blacks take offence to the word when they themselves call each other nigger??? It is absolutely ridiculous! It all goes back to the "I deserve restitution" BS! Restitution for WHAT?? Every race has some kind of prejudice toward other races. It's a fact that will never end for obvious reason. It's something that we all have to deal with and will never cease! Get over the restitution BS and go out and get a job and stop taking advantage of the system (white, black, Mexican, etc)! Get off your back and parents educate your children about pre-marital sex or at the very least, safe sex and contraception!!!!

Kirk Sato said...

I beleive that the word Nigger has transcend beyond the description of a particular race base on color of their skin. Whether you like the word or not, now it has become a part of popculture describe an ignorant man bending on the path of self destructive manner.

Anonymous said...

Amen....exactly Kirk!!!