Sunday, December 03, 2006

Two Million Dollars Typo

Here is the deal, if you're not a computer nerd you're never going to enjoy this blog so don't bother. Anyhow something got to be broadcast in the world of business, apparently you can make a jackass out of yourself by doing a careless typo on a professional evaluation papers without any consequence. Umm you might ponder how the hell it's worth couple of millions dollars? Well if that evaluation paper is the determent the destiny of the bidding companies it better damm be flawless. I got that particular paper via e-mail today and the first thing I noticed was what da hell is a TRUE PUT PER SECOND ? Well its kind of ironic that one of the most shady government in the Southeast Asia manage to believe in the truth of operation per second AKA IOPS. So I had to actually help correct that paper free of charge to THROUGHPUT PER SECOND, which is the universal speedometer in the IT world, free of charge.

However the dismay seem to hit me a second time just 15 minutes ago when our inside man of the committee Voip my punk ass for the definition of Data Scrubbing ? Umm the first thought came to my head maybe, its something that you can wipe you ass with ? Trust me it was so incredibly hard for me to refrain myself from saying that. So I did what an obedient yuppie would do, I sent him the cut paste definition from Wiki. I guess the ironic part of the day the mysterious man that I talked with happen to desire a 100grand connection fees, god damm I love the Thai Government !

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