Thursday, December 14, 2006

A Case of a Racist Dallas Cop

The topic said it ! I thought that the town that I've grown to call home with love, despite the tolerance and the understanding that all the common Dallas citizens have embrace to our great diversity. Apparently Dallas cops have not digest it in to their nervous system by constant practice of racial profiling. Tonight as I got out off work from my place, I went down to Spike, my local bar for a drink just to ease the pain of the daily grind and to contemplate about the stress of tomorrow business. Spike is hosting the Neo-soul Hip Hop night, which has been conducted in that very same fashion every Monday Night for almost five months. I have to say that the patrons that come on Monday night are mostly comprise of mostly African American which it might be a little bit different from most clientele that come to Mockingbird Station on any other night.

As I sat outside on the patio slowly drinking away my Jameson on the rock enjoying the conversation with my friend, I notice a police cruiser swing by slowly on their patrol. The thought of having cops running around Mockingbird station didn't bother me much at first because I was happy that finally my tax money is actually working on my favor for once. However five minutes later the same police car swing by again at Spike and stop when one of the SMU blondie goes over their and talk to him for a minute before she took off.

So here I was very curious of how this drunken ass SMU girl from Margarita Ranch manage to approach his car half drunk and yet he still let her go away.
As my scotch came to half way full 15 minutes later the same cop car still manage to do his retarded patrol by and this time I gave him a direct disgusted look to his way, what is this ? you've mistaken uptown for Fairpark ? or should you come to me and ask for a direction. As the third drive by passed, my friend who was accompany just said it out loud "that is one racist cop". And you know I couldn't argue with him on any other night when the SMU crowd would come out and get their shit face on I never seen a single patrol police car doing their thing at night and especially on Wednesday night when the plaza itself get really rowdy, there is not a single cop that you could spot half a a mile away. As I manage to down my only one glass of scotch for the night the very same police car still managed to pass by the plaza for two more times.

I think the moral of the story is damn he was driving around in circle 5 times for 40 minutes, that's where your tax money at work, looking after people in uptown while they 're sleeping because different folks happen to wanting a goodtime.


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