Saturday, December 09, 2006

No FPS love in Deutschland

Today a
news came into my surprise during my routine venture on the Net. And I thought this kind of censorship could only be in Singapore or something. However I guess it only take two clueless totalitarian states, one respectively from a fascist origin, to actually even contemplating such a legal sanction against violence video games. What I'm referring about is a tragedy happen late last month, an 18-year-old nut case went on a shooting postal rampage at his former junior high school in western Germany. Before killing himself, he managed to inflict a lead salads upon another 11 classmates. According to reports on the German news site Tagesschau, the man spent a fair bit of time playing "Counter-Strike," which some say may have led to his inspiration of this mass killings. As a result, two state governments in Bavaria and Lower Saxony have drafted legislation which, according to the Financial Times, would "subject developers, distributors and players of video games whose goal is to inflict 'cruel violence on humans or human-looking characters' to a fine and a maximum of one year in jail."
Well fellow October fest citizens all I can say to you right now that you might have to trade up your favorite FPS for beer or Space Invader or something. So if you play enough Pac-man, would one day you might go to the office and start cannibalizing your co-worker? Or better yet do the mushrooms in Super Mario brothers are the attempt of solicitations to minor for consuming the "magic mushroom". I guess this subliminal messages are perfectly alright with the Deutschland lawmakers. Nevertheless I'm inspire to offer a more suitable alternative to banning all the violence game, which if you postulate the thought according the German mindset. Here is a best solution for the game maker in Germany, make all your opponents in the game resemble the likeness of Hitler or the Nazis. I'm confident that the German government would give a green light to this. Hey if gaming is going to instigate someone into a murderous rampage, the carnage should mind as well falls in to the Nazis right ? After all they were the one who enjoying the killing the minorities in real life back in the days. So why can't we have them being slaughter digitally as a sub-level human category to satisfy our entertainment appetites. Which in hope would conform to the upcoming "German laws". So before I end this blog transmission take a good look at this Daily show clip and formulate your own conclusion.

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