Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Youths of God

Alright first of just watch these two video and take a quick time for them to sink into your noodles

Upcoming Film Jesus Camp in America:

Here is another clip from the different side of the spectrum:

Ok now have all those images get digest into you numbing mind and we all shall start the topic of the day-"the R word"-Religion. For many of my readers since the beginning of my blogging and close friends alike, they all know that for sometime I have grown very wary of religion fundamentalism around the globe. A few days ago my nostalgia started with the event of Islamic anger against Pop Benedict XVI 's remark which I think most of people of this worldly planet would know unless you have been stoned under the basement for a few moths. Even though finally the whole altercation of verbal prejudice might subside but after an accidental ran in with the preview of the movie "Jesus Camp" recently, now my nostalgia has turn into a full gear vomit. As you all can see from the videos one thing is clear, despites the effort from the developed world to spread the voice of reason through the benefit of Globalization 3.0 which comes with advances in education, instant telecommunication, and reason of science    Alright bashing religion might not be the best way of pointing out my view out, so I will play the devil's advocate and be optimistic. Let's look into what religious extreme will ultimately bare fruit to the children. This is a bunch of kids who will have a hope for their lives through commitment of faith-a bunch of kids who will have an interest in society and want to change it for the better-a bunch of kids who will get together in unity and care for each other in the name of God-a bunch of kids who don't spend all day zonked out in front of the Playstation- a bunch of kids who won't try drugs, get pregnant, stab someone in a gang brawl, steal a car..    However can you all as a responsible adult live with the fact that having children pursue the sense of purpose by the guidance of the religious institution?  Is it also acceptable to have children learn the language of prejudice and violence just because the sacred texts told you the obligations? In the world that we are empowered by the tools of reason such as science and mathematics, helping our children evaluating their world in its simplistic truth, yet it is truly tragic that the supply-chain of hate will never end in the name of Faith. Ultimately the war on terror is a downhill battle, when the roots of its representatives are being breed on the daily basis just because their parents are too ignorant to see the vicious cycles. As many times before and once again, religions are like drinking only in moderation. At the end it is this kind of detriment that the future of our society will have to bear the price.


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